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Thread: 45-70 loads

  1. #21
    Gunload Grunt kg42's Avatar
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    Nov 2005


    Hi dave, thanks for the info

    I'm especially interested in the wad thing on a GC bullet.
    Pvc material has come up in the last two days at CBA and CBoolits (with joeb), and Paco Kelly has long used that kind of trick, mostly made out of styrofoam meat package....
    What beats me is that it works with gc shanks, but that's very good news!

  2. #22
    GunLoad Trainee
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    Jul 2006
    Topeka Kansas


    Hey kg42! I haven't tried pvc material but did use some styrofoam in the past in a .357 load. I was a little concerned about "gumming up the works" with the styrofoam. The card wad idea came from shooting BPCR competition where I use a .060 vegetable wad (could that be just for vegetarians-heh heh?) under a 523 grain roundnose bullet over 62 grains of FFF Swiss. I can't totally vouch for accuracy with the BPCR but my scores are improving since I switched from a plain based boolit without the wad. Maybe I'm just getting luckier! I thought about loading up some of the same 317 grain boolits over the Trail Boss powder but without card wads-but decided if it ain't broke- don't fix it. I don't shoot the Trail Boss powder at the BPCR matches but only at the lever action silhouette matches.

  3. #23
    GunLoad Trainee
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    Topeka Kansas


    Well, here's some "follow-up" on using the 317 grain GC (RCBS Mold) over 16.5 grains of Trail Boss Powder and .010 card wads. I shoot the lever action cowboy silhouettes here in Kansas and have taken 2nd Place in the last 2 matches with my Marlin XLR in 45-70. My shoulder feels pretty good after the matches and I know those 200 yard rams hate to see me coming now. I really enjoy shooting this load. I have been told that some people started off with my load and have gone up as high as 18.0 grains because they had some blow back on their cases. I can't say they saw any improvement and I'm the one taking home the Silver. The 1st place shooter uses 5744 but won't divulge his load info. Another good thing about Trail Boss is that I use standard primers (Federal) while most people use magnums. I am now looking at Trail Boss for my WW 94 in 44 mag. I think about 8.0 grains with a 245 grain cast SWC will get my vote but the election isn't over yet. I'll keep you posted. Be careful out there!

  4. #24
    GunLoad Trainee
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    Topeka Kansas


    Well, there's more follow-up on that 45-70 load I started with in my Marlin. I decided to try a little experimenting with Trail Boss powder (after I bought a 5 lb. keg) to see how much powder in could get behind that 317 grain bullet I mentioned. I talked to the powers that be at the manufacturer. They said I couldn't get enough powder in the case to cause damage to the rifle. And, being the curious sort I am I set out to see. I started with 17.5 grains which shot well with not much in the recoil department. No sign of excess pressure, so I loaded up some with 18.0, 18.5, 19.0, 19.5, 20.0 and 21.0 grains. I used standard primers, W/W brass, .030 card wads rather than gas checks. I also cast the bullets from regular unquenched or hardened wheel weight metal. The recoil picked up a little at about 19.5 grains but the brass ejected clean without much flattening of the primer and I noticed there was a sharper report than with the initial charges. After shooting 10 rounds of the 21.0 grain load, I again checked the cartridges (no blowback or sign of unburned powder either in the case or the barrel. The primer did show some flattening but not any more than a fullhouse 44 magnum load in my 94 Winchester Legacy. I did notice a small amount of leading at the muzzle but none in the other end. The cartridges all ejected smoothly. The report was noticeably sharper and the recoil was increased but not uncomfortable. I think the traces of leading at the muzzle was due to lack of a hard lube. I use DGL lube on all my loads now and it really works well. I'm now thinking of using about 16.5 grains for the chickens and pigs silhouettes (50 and 100 yards), then stepping up to 18.0 grains for the Turkeys and Rams (150 and 200 yards). Hope this information is useful to someone. Now, if I could just get this stuff (Trail Boss) to work in my .357 Winchester Legacy I would be very happy. Take care out there and have a Merry Christmas!

  5. #25
    OLD GUN NUT nambu1's Avatar
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    Three cheers to d-o-k's wife. We have people in WV feel the same way about whitetail deer. I wish they would keep their comments to themselves.

  6. #26
    GunLoad Trainee
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by d-o-k View Post
    Belive it or not this is how, I keep what little sanity I have left ! I broke my own record last night haveing shot 2.7 tonne of Roos (80 with two trips to the Chiller to unload ) Today I can hardly move as I'm so sore & sorry for myself! THe missus went into town this morning in my work Toyota & had a major run in with some tourists who made the fatal mistake of saying to their kids ....."Look there's one of those Horrible people who kill Kangaroos !!!!!" & people who have rifles hanging in the back of their vehicle should be arrested!!!! Well the Wife apparently took offense to this & gave them what for! Using profanities with the skill that a painter uses oils! Now this was funny until I went into town this afternoon & the Local Copper asked me to lay off the tourists (having thought this was me that had gone off the deep end at the people ) Yeah I like these forums I don't tend to get into any strife !

    this is too funny

  7. #27
    GunLoad Trainee
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    Feb 2011


    For a mild, easy shooting load in the .45-70 try 14 gr Trail Boss under a 300 or 350 gr bullet. Acurate and fun to shoot.

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check Sponsored Links