For those of you who hate the plastic ones, I am exploring the idea of either producing myself or having one of the local cabinet shops produce several runs of wooden loading blocks in fancy and/or exotic hardwoods out of the scraps left over from fine furniture jobs. Usually they are just used for kindling.
These are the sizes I'm thinking about:
50 hole for small HG cases, .30carb, .223, etc.
10, 20(4x5 and 2x10), & 50 hole for -06 and similar head size rifle and pistol cases.
10?, 20(4x5 or 2x10), & 50 hole for .44mag, .45-70, Mags, etc.
I like using 10 & 20 hole blocks when I'm testing powders and bullets or just want to do a box of rifle rounds as they are much handier than the big 50rd ones, and nobody sells anything like that. I also like to have handles on the sides of the blocks so they are easier to drop charges into, and nobody has anything like that, either.
Given that they will be all hand produced, there will be some labor involved, but I'm not out to make a killing on them, just to offer something a lot nicer looking than what's available commercially. I like working with nice looking, well made tools and I have been making my own for years, and occasionally for others when they see mine and start drooling. I haven't started asking around yet, just wanted to find out how much interest, if any, there would be here and on the other forums I belong to.
What do you think? Thoughts, ideas, and comments appreciated. Any woodworkers among us who might want to get involved is cool, too.
I will post some pictures of the prototypes soon.