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11-18-2005, 01:43 AM
Hi All,
Just got back from Wally-World.
Got a bunch of felt squares.These are for the felt wads used in BP cartridges.
My question is,what do you use for the lube ? A combination of bee's wax,
mixed with regular candle wax,or what ?
My plan is to heat each felt square on a metal cookie sheet, with a mix of bees wax and parafin (candle/canning jar wax). Then,use a leather or homemade punch to cut the felt wads out.

Made this afternoon, more 45-60-400's (45-70).
A few days ago, made 30 45-60-405 (45-70) loads.

11-18-2005, 01:52 AM
I'm not real sure but i seem to remember something about olive oil and bee's wax

Bullshop Junior
11-18-2005, 06:37 AM
You dont want to use candle wax that will lower the flash point. A good mix would be 50/50 b-wax olive oil or penut oil. Stay away from the lower grade vegie oils, they are cheaper but again have a lower flash point. The lower flash point oils and waxes will form carbon in the barrel and that is exactly what you want to avoid. Soak your felt in the 50/50 mix, let dry then punch.A hard rubber mat works good for a base to punch on and will not dull the punch. My Dad helped me with this, he knows a lot about BP cartridge shooitng. We have shot together in a couple long range matches and had lots of fun. I shot a 38/55 and Dad shot a 45/70. I beat him pretty good on the 600 yard target, it was a T-rex. He whined about that for awhile! Dad, not the T-REX, well mabe the t-REX to!!!!

11-19-2005, 06:59 AM
Hi Bullshop Jr,
Thanks for the info.
Will have to hit up Harbor Freight Tools.Get the punches.
Next year, opting for a press operated wad punch.At the prices I've seen, might get 2 or 3 of them.
I have a Colt Dragoon copy.Now this is fun to shoot !
I don't know what the plans are for the bear hunt.And,Wolfsong in
GrayBeard Outdoors (another good site like this one. Same high standards and all) is wanting to get into BP shooting. If he wants to, I'll bring my Dragoon along.Don't shoot it often.Shot it maybe twice in the 8-12 years
I've had it.
See ya later.

11-21-2005, 02:25 AM
Hiya, to you two,
Today, got the olive oil and the punches from Harbor Freight.
Have had to make my own punches from parts we usually have at work.
Did consider making a stainless from the pitters.And using pipe nipples.
Had to use pipe nipples for a project at work,during the season.They work, but get dull pretty fast.Even if the bench is covered by belt material.The belt
we use, is some fairly tough stuff.When the punch gets dull, then,off to the grinder.
Thinks me is getting lazy.
Just have to get some more bees wax. Will have to find it at a shoe store.
"Sno Seal", is bees wax.Have about 1/2 jar of it.
Now, will have to find that metal cookie sheet.
Things are looking up.
Found some other tools I've been needing for a long time.
See y'all later.

11-21-2005, 10:15 PM
Well, went to a hobby and crafts store.
Asked at "Micheals" for bees wax.Yep, they had it.
Almost $14.00 for a 1 lb block.Had the brown and white.Was limited in
the white, so white-1,brown-3.
Will see about a double boiler next.
Never thought I'd have any use for a crafts store.Was wrong though. :-D

11-22-2005, 01:09 AM
You need to find a bee keeper that seems high what about those wax toilet gaskets

11-22-2005, 04:44 AM
Hiya Toney,
I over looked the bees wax at first.Didn't know what shape it came in.
Did see some large, about 18" wide, maybe about 20-24",by 2" slabs.Parafin
based. Wanted the real stuff.
Sure didn't have very many employees to ask.Next best, ask the cashier.
Finally,a girl came (PA system).Asked her. She takes me over where I was.
Thats when I spotted the bees wax.
Yep,bent over to see what was available.....and the price.
Looked at the bees wax, and the price.WHOA moma !
Thought, well I'm here. I need it,so went and bought it.
They look roughly like an ice cube tray.
If I knew where to buy a lot cheaper,I would.
Bought the "Sno Seal" a few years ago.Sure is soft stuff.Planned on making my own lube sticks.
Have an RCBS Lubrisizer. Still have the original stick that came with it.
Of what I've seen at the gun shops,many, hardly carries reloading equipment.
That's the reason why I try to find stuff all the time.
The one on McHenry Ave, looks like they're hurting,since a burglary took place
3 or 4 years ago.And recently,many less guns, than 2-3 years ago.Ammo,less.
My own suspicion, they are about ready to pack up and move out.Or just say
"screw it", and go out of business.
Asked them twice if they might be going out of business.Each time, was "No,
we'll be here.".
Done hundreds of $$$ with them.Even when it was "Argonaut Guns".
Only two, that does carry some reloading equipment are Sierra Sports on
Carpenter.And Barnwood Arms in Ripon.Others, I don't know about.
Except one in Turlock.This one, just try to find help.They're more concerned about soccer,baseball,tennis,etc,than helping a customer, that is about to spend much more in dollars, than that tennis ball or soccer ball costs. I avoid
this store. Let this one go under.
Give you an idea, how much I spent during the last week,till now: try for $300
to 400.00. Are those idiot soccer balls THAT much ? Don't think so.
Anyway, got sidetracked.That's how things are in this socialist state.
Sorry for the rant.Toney, I'll be good.Please don't whip me with your rifle sling!
Just maybe tomorrow, will mix a batch of lube.Should taste good with a beef roast. Just kidding !
See you all later.

11-22-2005, 05:48 AM
I'm fairly lucky we have dongs in tulsa they have almost everything. If i need it now thats where i go. It reminds me of an old parts store Get most every thing else from midway most stuff gets here in around 4-5 days

Just keep on ranting I can't every time i get a little excited my suger level goes krazy and they think i'm drunk. had to stop talking politics.

Really glad you and Daniel decided to stick around


11-22-2005, 06:59 PM
Hi Toney,
Been doing business with Midway since the mid '80's.
My first buy, was the "Lubrisizer"RCBS.
Then, several years before I could reload again.Due to umpteen moves.
To Missouri,back to Kalifornia.To Nebraska, back to PRK (People's Republic of
Kalifornia).Then to Coalinga.From there,to Florida, twice.Back here to PRK.
Will I ever escape PRK ?
Back to Midway.
Bought a couple ballistic programs. Had a wild hair:Using 45 Colt high pressure
using rifle primers.Rifle primers will fit,but it's the depth. Can't seat the primers correctly.Bought a "Uniform primer tool".Used digital calipers to get the correct cutting depth.
Long story short, it did work.For these loads, good thing I have the F.A. 454.
The loads will blow up a regular Colt/clone or Ruger.
Recently, HAD to get another digital scale.Opted for the RCBS ChargeMaster
Combo.Works great.Powder removal, after dumping back into the container,
can get a little messy.It's why RCBS included a small brush.
Think a dusting of graphite should solve the remaining powder sticking on the sides,problem.
Got to get back to "Fall cleaning".And re-arranging here.
Yes, we'll be sticking around.
Thanks Toney.

11-25-2005, 04:31 AM

Check your yellow pages for bee keepers. That beeswax is available one heck of a lot cheaper!