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11-17-2005, 03:24 PM
Hello Toney,

454shooter has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Let me interduse myself. - in the General Discussion forum of Reloaders Guide.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Hi Bullshop Junior,
Let me 2nd the welcome.
Boy, sounds like you do keep busy ! All that good hunting in Alaska...wow !
At 12 Y/O, you are doing good.
Hi Toney, can't leave you out !
Sun going down. Too late to start loading.Think I'll look over some more loads
and see what tomorrow brings.
See ya'll later.

11-17-2005, 03:26 PM
Hello Toney,

454shooter has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - loud noise - in the General Discussion forum of Reloaders Guide.

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Hi Toney,
Don't know if you have a desktop,or a tower.
Either case,take off the case. Put your ear near where you think the racket is comming from.
Yes, like the post before mine, a fan can get noisy.Hope it's not a hard drive.
Had 4 go down on me in the last couple of months. This one that I'm using now, had 10 hard drives in it. Seems like most troubles I've had are the Western Digitals.
Just hope it's not serious.
See ya.

11-17-2005, 03:27 PM
Hello Toney,

454shooter has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Someone post NEW THREAD - in the General Discussion forum of Reloaders Guide.

This thread is located at:

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Ok,OK, I'll post. Don't give up.............................................yet .

There may be other replies also, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.


11-17-2005, 03:28 PM
Hello Toney,

JerryW has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - 357 Herrett rifle loads - in the General Load Discussion forum of Reloaders Guide.

This thread is located at:

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Toney,Please share with me. JerryW

11-17-2005, 03:30 PM
Hello Toney,

454shooter has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - 1'st coyote - in the General Discussion forum of Reloaders Guide.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Hi Toney,
Taking a dump ??
Ruined that coyotes' day.
Sounds like you've got some good chances for hunting.
You might take a gander at "Varmint Al's". He's from Bethel Island. About 50-60 miles from Modesto. North of Livermore,CA (yeah, THAT Livermore;Lawrence Livermore Lab).
On the left, a toc. You'll see about "Coyote attacks".Good read.
Til my last HD took a dump (different than the 'yote),had a lot of coyote attacks. Which means, will need more backup time.
Quite a lot of info on the attacks. Plus a "sympathetic (more pathetic)" PHd
in Canada, well can't say those words here.She thinks coyotes, like that idiot
in Alaska with big grizzlies, are "nice" animals. She should spend time in the field, a real field. Where you better have a powerful handgun and rifle with you at all times.
I can't say very much of National Geographic Kids, either.Neither says one thing about attacks ! Why ? Guess, not to "frighten the children". Kids, now do need real world stuff. Not this fluffy,goody,goody, stuffed animal stuff.
Our new member in Alaska (12 Y/O) probably has much more sense about heading into the outback/woods. He's got real world experience. He is a rare one !! He does sound like he's got more common sense than that PHd does.
Enough ranting on this.
Hope our new member stays a long time here.


Hey they got two grade school playgrounds closed here in OK because of cougar sightings

Awlays thought the reports were bougus seen one myself on a back road around 8 miles from stillwater OSU!!!!!! wife seen to, Big cat was almost as long as a lane walked slowly across the road around 60yards infront of us!!!

Was not!!! bobcat see them all the time


11-17-2005, 03:32 PM
Hello Toney,

454shooter has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Pellets and 209primmers - in the General Discussion forum of Reloaders Guide.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Hi Toney,
Whatcha doin' ?
Converting a pellet rifle to use 209 primers instead of air ?
That would be different ! Maybe a different slant on "front stuffers".
You got me thinking now ! ( Me thinking? How is that possible ?)
I'd replace the spring.Then re-drill for the primer.
The pellet would have to be pushed in first (kinda like a reverse muzzel loader).Then the primer. YEAH ! Take it out to the range with a chronograph.
And...find out.Experimentation time.
Hope you weren't out several hundred $$$$$.And an Anchutz !
Shoot straight

Was almost flamed at another forum for bringing up the subject I guess it's not leagle My first throught was to drill through the plug on an inline ML and thread, then thread a pellet rifle barrel and screw the whole thing into a rifle
It would be hard to load but it would shoot


11-17-2005, 03:34 PM
Hello Toney,

Bullshop Junior has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - 357 Herrett rifle loads - in the General Load Discussion forum of Reloaders Guide.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Mom here... BullShop Jr. has tried posting several times with load info, and itkeeps shutting down... if this goes though ... you can email bullshop@wildak.net or PM and we can get the load data to you...

Bull Shop Mom

11-17-2005, 03:36 PM
Hello Toney,

454shooter has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - New press!!! - in the General Equipment Chat. forum of Reloaders Guide.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Hi Bs Jr,
Sounds like you got a good deal.
I have an RCBS "RS" since the mid 80's. It's still doing its job just fine.
Yeah, it's slow. Who cares, as long as you are building quality ammo with it.
Will have to answer Toney about the 1000 press.(Lee Progressive 1000 ?)
Yep, got one of those Lee Progressive 1000 presses.
My "RS" wouldn't never be sold,given away,etc.Done thousands of rounds with it.Slower than molasses in December.A lot of times, it's more of quality than quantity.There are too many mistakes that can and has happened with
the progressives: no powder charges.Happened to me. Plus, had a primer blow up.So, now, I do my priming and charge the cases separately.
Very recently, my C.C. got out to the max, with an RCBS ChargeMaster Combo.Electronic scale is really nice.Used it only for my BP 45-70 loads.
For smokeless, I use the full deal on the combo.
Nice to punch in what grains you want.Then dispenses the powder.The scales tells when to turn off at the weight.
Happy loading Bs Jr !
See ya later.See my post about you. Your parents can read it too.

11-17-2005, 03:39 PM
That's all the posts i was sudsribed to hope i did'nt miss any! Will email the master


Gunload Master
11-18-2005, 01:34 AM
Sorry about the mix ups on the lost posts. We had an immediate server changeover and during this changeover some posts were lost. I appologize for this, but it was out of my hands and had to take place. The old server was causing some grief.

11-22-2005, 09:02 PM
Hi Gun Master,
Sounded like the hard drive(s) were about ready to die.
Or, it could have been the MB.
Electronics sure do complicate things.And, too many things to go wrong.
It's something that must be expected.And accepted.
Have a G'day mate.

Gunload Master
11-22-2005, 10:45 PM
Thanks Shooter. Actually the information was transfered to a new server without shutting the board down. So during that transition all the posts that were written were lost when the final switch happened.. We are on a real reliable server now though :)