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View Full Version : Powder containers

7 MM
06-26-2008, 12:40 AM
I am buying a selection of powder and am trying to find out what the demensions of the various containers are so I will have proper storage for them when they come.
Does anyone know the demensions of an 8 lb and 4 lb container?

I will Lite a candle and say your name

7 MM

06-26-2008, 11:07 PM
6x6 6x9 5x7 these are for 4-8 lb containers depending upon whom makes them.
they all will fit on a 13" tall shelf.
it seems as though the faster powders are in the larger containers.

7 MM
06-27-2008, 12:39 AM
I have never purchased larger than a 1 lb can so needed data to ensure safe storage here.
I have nosy neighbors that get excited when they see gunpowder so I keep it all stored out of sight.

7 MM

06-27-2008, 02:08 PM
7MM if a little money isn't a big problem check into getting a 7 or 8 rifle locker or school locker even a smaller tool tote for the back of a pick up.
They are all lockable aznd made of metal and ususally go cheap.
Good Luck Ken.