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View Full Version : Wtf

06-24-2014, 12:54 AM
Tonight is the first time I have been able to access any of the GL forums or the Home Page for the last 10 days. I tried both IE and Chrome several times each day. I was really starting to bum out. I just tried it again tonight out of desperation and got through. :grin: I have no idea why, but I am sooo stoked that the whole thing didn't go down hard like RLB. Maybe I could figure out why if I really knew anything about computers, but I find Word challenging enough. And I'm really glad to have it working again. Anyone else been having trouble, or does my computer need a trip to the doctor?

Mike in tx
06-24-2014, 09:08 AM
V I had no problem getting on the last week or so. Perhaps Computer MD is called for.

06-24-2014, 09:44 AM
gunloads did have a problems but that was a couple few weeks back and for the most part it's been trouble free since .... not sure it may of had something to do with your cookies ? and a refresh could of either got you in or even possibly been what stopped you from getting in ?? that is however speculation on my part and i can admit it , btw ? welcome back !!

06-24-2014, 12:34 PM
Thankfully I had no problems. Every little once in a while my wife gets a couple of cookies.

V you really need a computer qualified other. Wife, girl friend, daughter friend (surely not me). I wish that I could help you.

07-07-2014, 08:33 PM
I just got back on today, it's been almost 2weeks since I could access any of the GL forums or Home Page. I was really getting worried. Computer MD cleared up a lot of other difficulties, but still couldn't get through here. At last today I am back! Whew!

07-08-2014, 12:56 PM
In simple computer language what was wrong?

07-14-2014, 02:51 PM
Still don't know, finally back again today after another week of no access.

09-30-2014, 01:36 PM
V in our house we have a router and a modem. Any little power glitch will render them inoperable until my wife resets them. Then they work fine again. :lol:

10-01-2014, 11:28 AM
John, go to Staples and get a UPS (Uninterrupted power supply, battery back-up) for $50 and plug the router + modem into it.

10-22-2014, 07:30 PM
Clayt she has one of those for her desktop upstairs. I will bring that up to her. Good idea, thanks, and bon soir, gotta go back to mowing the fields.