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View Full Version : Doug & the Camel

03-28-2007, 11:06 AM
Some years ago a aquantance of mine ,worked a a rabbit shooter on the Nullabour Plain ! He latter became a processor ! Which was probarly safer for all concerned ! He still livesout on the SA/WA boader as far as I know,but was one of these people if it's going to happen it happened to him !

Now Rabbit Shooters always had vehicles that the wind screens either folded down or they removed them so they could use the steering wheel as a rest when they shot . Poor Doug had been shooting one night & pulled up in the morning for a sleep .He layed across the front seat of his 4x4 & dozed off ,now he always had a small dog to keep him company .This day in the middle of nowhere the dog started barking & woke him, apon opening his eyes Doug finds himself looking eye to eye with a large bull camel that had stuck it's head in through the opening & into the cabin ! Doug not thinking very slowly pulled his legs up & kicked the beast in the head as hard as he could!!!! Of course bedlam followed with Doug claiming the Toyota was being thrown about like a boat in a storm ! To make matters worse he only had a .22lr to dispatch the creature with several shots in the Head at very close range !!!:-D :-D

03-29-2007, 01:12 AM
I'll bet he had to change his drawers after that.

03-29-2007, 02:09 AM
I'll bet he had to change his drawers after that.

I doubt it very much ! Doug was once said to be a accident looking for somewhere to happen !!!:-D The Eucla Cops were after him for years ,as they knew damn well he was growing Dope out on the Plain somewhere! They could never conect him to the little crops they found out there. He had 2 camps One summer & one winter.He'd cleaned out his Old Bus that he lived in once in his summer camp & moved out for the winter . Well the'd been a whole lot of seeds in his bus they took root & grew ! Imagine his supprize on his return after winter to find all of this dope growing wild right in his camp !!!!!!!!!!! Imagine his horror .....When the Eucla Cops decided to pay him a visit several hours after his arrival :mrgreen: :mrgreen: