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10-20-2006, 09:15 AM
I had to go down to Port Augusta today to fix up some bills .One of which was my account with my gun guy! Now this should of been a straight forward transaction but................................. Tracey (my wife) left me at Des's (said Gun guy ) with out Adult supervision ! I was told that I was allowed to look at a couple of .303's he had in stock ! This is where things get confused ! I had all good intentions of just buying a cheap Enfield & before Tracey could arrive to save me .......................I'd settled for a BSA CF2 .243 [smilie=w: Hey I did get it $100.00 below the list price !

The great part is that the docter says I'll be eating solid food within 6 weeks


10-20-2006, 04:00 PM
First it was Tracy's fault not yours! She should never have left you alone in a gun shop. Is she aware of the fact there are likely laws against this kind of behavior. I think it comes under the heading of spousal abuse. Men are not responsible for our actions when left alone like that. Besides you got $100 off the list price. She should be proud of you. What about the LE .303? YOu still are short one gun.

Take Care Eh


10-30-2006, 01:26 AM
Oh dear it get's worse ! I had to go into town the other day & wandered into the local butcher shop (a mate of mine owns & runs it ) He asked if I'd brought a .303 from a mutral friend several months ago ? I replied that I had . He went right of at me stating that he had one for sale & why had'nt I seen him first ? Well the long of the short of it was I spent 50 dollars on meat but 150 dollars on a .303 !


10-30-2006, 05:07 PM
Dave you better find some work in a hurry, and get out of town before she sees the check book. Having been in that position a time or two myself. I would sneak my new gun into the house. Then I would leave the next morning on a road trip. I was a truck driver. After I was about 500 miles away I'd call home and tell her about it. By the time I got back she would be OK with it. Good luck..

10-30-2006, 05:21 PM
But that one is special. Look, it's in 303 BRITISH, and it's got a two piece stock, and it was made by [xxxxxx], and you know that if you want quality, non-mad beef those days you've got to grease the butcher's hand eh honey? :)


11-19-2006, 04:26 AM
I own a BSA CF2 .243 what a sweet rifle it is.....[smilie=w:

11-19-2006, 06:44 PM
I own a BSA CF2 .243 what a sweet rifle it is.....[smilie=w:

Back in the 70's I owned a BSA Majestic & it was fitted with a fool of a muzzel brake that directed the blast back into the shooters ears ! All that aside i love BSA rifles & have owned several & they were all damned fine shooters


Bullshop Junior
11-20-2006, 03:45 AM
That reminds me............. One time a friend of ours said he wanted to do some shooting at our range (we own a small range of 100 yards), so dad said sure! So next week the guy came back driving a duely dodge that looked like it was full of canon balls :? . Well it turned out that he had about 5 "reguler" guns, and a monster gun built in 50 BOOM BOOM! (BMG) The gun was 48 pounds and I got to carry it down the 100+ yard trail from the road to the range[smilie=w: We started shooting and had a lot of fun. the last gun finally came...... the bmg. The guy got it on the bench and loaded it, and pulled the trigger...........it went off, and every ones ear muffs blew off from the muzzle blast from the porting. Before the guy was done I had to go to work for the neighboring farm. I was working one mile out in the field and could still hear that thing rumble the hills, and I think that I even felt the earth quake.

11-20-2006, 04:03 AM
Ya got to love those Niffty 50's ! Where we live ,we have the local Rifle /pistol range just over the hill on our property & on most days when there are Blokes useing High powers up there we hear the crack of the rifle ! A chap got up there once with a Old .55 Boys Anti tank rifle ! The report of the first shot damn near threw me out of bed !


11-20-2006, 04:35 PM
I fired a .50BMG single shot at the range a couple of weeks ago. It weighed about as much as a small car and was a real pussycat to shoot. It recoiled like a .243, NOT what I was expecting. I thought it was going to kick like a mule and hung onto it for dear life. The owner was amused. We only have 100yards there, but his least accurate 10shot groups you can still cover with a quarter (24mm). Someone jokingly asked him if he was going to deer hunt with it. He said no, that he couldn't tell if they had antlers or not at a mile. :-D

11-20-2006, 05:15 PM
That's a good come back. I liked that.