View Full Version : New S&W 1911 PD

07-09-2006, 04:47 AM
:-D I just came home from the gun show today and this is the puppy that followed me. It hasn't been fired yet but I shall take care of that tomorrow. I bought some cutom grips and stainless allen screws to dress it up a little.:mrgreen:


07-09-2006, 04:56 AM
Well, she's a looker alright. Let us know how she does on the range! I've always been partial to S&W products, even if they are made in Massachusetts. :mrgreen:

07-09-2006, 05:46 PM
That is definately a looker! Hope you're out shooting in right now. BTW, I like that knife as well.:wink:

It looks like the Commander size, which I REALLY like for CCW. Nice sights, too.

My only Smith semi is the 1076. A little on the large, heavy side for CCW, but with the Tritium sights it works very well as a bedside piece.

07-10-2006, 02:12 AM
Very nice!!!

07-10-2006, 02:49 AM
I agree with you 100% on that Versifier. I got to the range today with 200 rounds. They were 100 lead and 100 copper over lead 200gr bullets. They were all filled with 4.5 of win 231 with OAL at 1.226". It stoved piped on the 16th round and I thought oh me this is going to be a long day. Wrong. That's all the trouble I had. I may have drug my finger on the slide on that one I don't know. If this picture takes, that was 16 shots at 21 feet. I don't think it's to bad for a blind man breathing on one lung. I think I got a shooter. Can I say I like this gun. You Bet, I like this gun. :-D :-D [smilie=w: :-D :-D
Sorry I can't get this picture to size down.


07-10-2006, 05:21 AM
I can make my dad's Kimber stovepipe every round if I am limp-wristing it, and then function perfectly when gripping it correctly. My Glock 23 will do the same thing if not held firmly. I bet like me you relaxed your hand unconsciously for that one round. That's one reason I prefer a revolver for carrying and a Contender for hunting. But if I shot the hundreds of thousands of rounds through 1911's and Glocks that I have shot through revolvers, I probably wouldn't have to think about it and would never have the problem. :-D
She's definitely a keeper, and with the first load you tried, too. A good omen. That doesn't happen to me very often.

07-11-2006, 03:44 AM
I have carried a revolver for 40 yrs. and I still will. I am like you Versifier. If I got my tail feathers in a jam I want my SP 101 Ruger. I never would have bought one if it hadn't been for my wife buying a S&W all stainless steel with a 5" barrel. Of corse I started to play with it some and I had to have one. I have owned only one gun that has shot as good as these out of the box and that's my Colt Phyton. Even my Ruger, I had to do a little work on to get it up to snuff. Here's a Picture of my wifes S&W 45. These guns are shooters.:-D
