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View Full Version : Rifling Direction?

07-04-2012, 07:17 PM
I know this may sound like a crazy question but…Does the direction of rifling twist (i.e. right-hand vs. left-hand) have any bearing on long range accuracy when used in the Northern hemisphere vs. the Southern hemisphere?

This leads to more questions:

If the changes are documented, will either work in equatorial regions as well?

Are the changes, if any, more pronounced in Polar Regions?

07-04-2012, 11:21 PM
What a good question!

I do not have the math skills necessary to solve it, but I suspect there have been studies done for the military with respect to naval guns and land based artillery that might answer it.

Anyone have any ideas?

Paul B
07-05-2012, 04:06 PM
Yes, no, maybe. There is a factor in long range shooting that current snipers have to consider call the Coriolis Force. It has to do with the Earth's rotation. Possibly this will help. I do know that a right hand twist will cause a bullet to drift to the right and a left hand twist will drift to the left but where you are on the planet probably doesn't mean all that much other than what the Coriolis Effect might do, that is it could cancel out the drift depending on where you are.


Maybe this will help. The only reason I even heard of Coriolis Effect was because I learned about when becoming a meteoroloigist. Without the Coriolis Force, we woild not have weather, strange as that may sound. You can go to Wikipedia and look for Coriolis Force to llearn more.
Paul B.