View Full Version : Turk redux

uncle guns
12-24-2005, 07:40 AM
I took an old beat up ragged shot out turk, And after Adding a new shilen bull bbl,
timney trigger, bell & carlson stock, had the bolt lapped, mounted a millitt buck gold scope, harris bipod, I now have a tack driver.....

Its in .308 but I wish I had done it in .300 win mag now.............

ITS ONLY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

regards U. G.[smilie=s:

12-24-2005, 10:01 AM
First up U G welcome to the Site![smilie=s: & Merry Christmas ! Sounds like you've got a shooter there ! I reckon the .308 is a excellent Cal .I've owned a couple of Rifles in .308 over the years & was "Married " to both a L1A1 & M60 for 6yrs in the Army about a million yrs ago now & found it to be a accurate & hard hitting Round


12-24-2005, 04:49 PM
Welcome to the guide Uncle Guns!!! Yep love those turks

Hey Dave i packed that M60 and had to drive the jeep to, was always short handed in the guards

12-25-2005, 01:37 PM
Welcome to the guide Uncle Guns!!! Yep love those turks

Hey Dave i packed that M60 and had to drive the jeep to, was always short handed in the guards

Toney I feel your Pain !For my first 3years I was just a plain Grunt :| Then I transfered over to SASR1 & after being tortured through Preselection [smilie=f: I instead of getting to carry a 203 or M16 ,I got stuck with the "PIG" for the next 3years (It was not what I had expected & was not a happy "Marriage ":mad: )I was glad to get out & go straight back to Shootig for a living![smilie=s:


uncle guns
12-26-2005, 12:32 AM
Thanks to all for the welcome, board looks like a good one, Say dok I thought they took all you guys guns away down there???

my mil. past was in the usmc trained w/the m-14 then when they sent us to that garden party they gave us that toy made by matel inc. shootin BB"s[smilie=w:

12-26-2005, 04:31 AM
Thanks to all for the welcome, board looks like a good one, Say dok I thought they took all you guys guns away down there???

my mil. past was in the usmc trained w/the m-14 then when they sent us to that garden party they gave us that toy made by matel inc. shootin BB"s[smilie=w:

They did have a couple of clamp downs on our firearm laws but they left a whole lot of loop holes so it did'nt really effect the serious shooters ,Or us Pro shooters ! even now their looking at relaxing the laws agian to a certain degree! Nice to know there are other "Rice Paddy Grunts" on the board ![smilie=p: My first visit was as just a Grunt & my second was with SASR1 ! the first I carried the SLR L1A1 7 the Owen & F1 sub machine guns . I decided that the SAS blokes all carried lighter weapons than me so I transfered ............Yeah wise career move :sad: As well as all the other weight I had to lug I got stuck with the "PIG" as I was the New Boy in the section !
