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12-19-2005, 08:37 PM
IT has been well below freezing here for some weeks.

Since my casting shed is unheated and I don't mind the cold I continue to cast so long as it is above -20 F.

When casting in low tempertures you get a benificial side affect: Everything you cast is automaticly heat-treated from the mold.

Works for me, good afternoon,

12-20-2005, 05:00 AM
[QUOTE=FAsmus]IT has been well below freezing here for some weeks.

Since my casting shed is unheated and I don't mind the cold I continue to cast so long as it is above -20 F.

When casting in low tempertures you get a benificial side affect: Everything you cast is automaticly heat-treated from the mold.

Works for me, good afternoon,

.........- 20F !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bugger that for a Joke !We're experiancing summer over here in Auz & it's hovering around the 100F mark I swear if it gets any hotter The damned lead won't set in my moulds ![smilie=1:


Bullshop Junior
12-23-2005, 05:11 AM
D-O-K and FAsmus
HA!!!!!!!!!! YOU THINK THAT -20° COLD !!!!!!!!!!! I go hunting at that temp, or I would no go hunting during the winter. It gets well below -40° and some times even under -50°!!!!

12-29-2005, 09:54 AM
Inside the fridge would be the coolest place in the house if the heater carked it.

12-29-2005, 04:48 PM
Here in ok one day it will be 60 and the next it will be 20. But here with the humidity +30 will seem a lot colder than minus 30 up there in alaska. -30 in alaska we used to wear jean jackets

The humidity is only 65% today the temp is 43. Hope it will be nice this weekend for the last 3 day anterless hunt.

12-30-2005, 05:38 AM
The first liar doesn't have a chance!

12-30-2005, 05:48 AM
The first liar doesn't have a chance!

Ahmen to that ! It's so hot here at the moment I'm sitting at the key board naked ! Wearing my Underpants round my head as a sweat Band & one sock over parts of my anatimy for the sake of modesty :mrgreen: [smilie=1:

12-31-2005, 06:15 PM
Well I am just south of Alaska but we are not nearly that cold. Temperature around 0C with rain. No snow. will cast to 20F IF there is no wind blowing. 100F eh, you could be nice and send some of that heat up this way.

Stay Safe

Bullshop Junior
01-01-2006, 04:16 AM
Well I am just south of Alaska but we are not nearly that cold. Temperature around 0C with rain. No snow. will cast to 20F IF there is no wind blowing. 100F eh, you could be nice and send some of that heat up this way.

Stay Safe
YES PLEASE!!!!![smilie=l:

01-02-2006, 04:13 AM
Do you blokes a straight swap ......Snow for heat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen:


Bullshop Junior
01-02-2006, 05:54 AM
Do you think I can fit 100 pounds of +70° in a flat fate global envelope?
Delbert/BS JR.
Got it right that time!!!

01-02-2006, 06:39 AM
Saw on the news tonight that Ozzieland was burning up. I prefer cold, when it's hot only so many clothes I can take off without folks puking, but if it's cold, i can cover up even more :-) I was in King Salmon AK when it was -57 F had to keep the fridge door open to get any heat. Was at Galena AK in Jan. when it was -50F and back in July when it was 105F no wonder those folks are twichey.

01-03-2006, 11:25 PM
Man, I'm really ticked off by this cold a$$ weather, its around 20* here right now.

Its warmer in my refrigerator than in my garage where my casting gear is.

The house is total electric and the freaken number dials on our electric billing meter are spinning so fast they are humming like a deep sea fishermans reel with a bloody Marlin on line.

Anyway, I sure would like to do some casting, I've just about swaged up every blasted bullet I did last year.

I really need to buy myself a new electric furnace, that Lee pro pot looks pretty good, has a mould stand under the spout.

Gets tiresome trying to use a Lee six cavity gang mould without one.

I'd move to Australia but you blokes got too many crocs and bloody snakes and spiders that put me below them on the food chain. And I don't like Roo burgers. [smilie=w:

Jim :D

01-03-2006, 11:28 PM
It's been 70 here for the last two days but the wind has been blowing and the fires are burning

01-04-2006, 12:52 AM
Though everything is covered with snow around here...we could use a good forest fire right now.

Jim :coffee:

01-04-2006, 12:59 AM
It's been 70 here for the last two days but the wind has been blowing and the fires are burning

I'd move to Australia but you blokes got too many crocs and bloody snakes and spiders that put me below them on the food chain. And I don't like Roo burgers.

Toney. I feel your pain as far as the bushfire problem ! We had one over xmas about 40 kms from our place ! It was almost in the same place & at the same time as last year! We've got a cool change at last!!!!:mrgreen: It's dropped right down to just under 90. It also looks like rain .

Jim ! I know this is cold comfort but the Crocs are all up North . As for snakes ? well Ok you've got me there ! We have'nt seen one this year (so far) & not all of em will kill ya ! I got bitten bya Brown some years back & although it made me as sick as a dog it never finnished me (much to my first Wife's annoiance) Spiders well you kind of learn to avoid them( Mind you I killed a rather large Red Back yesterday ) Our greatest problem at the moment is that being the soft heared Bastard that I am ! I started feeding a Shingle Back (or sleepy lizard ) Dry dog food ! As they tend to keep snakes away& now the free loading bastard has spread the word & yesterday we acualy found one inside helping it's self from the dogs Bowl :neutral: & I had to remove one from the Kid's Bed room !ADS for the Lee Pots I've had one for years & the only problem I've encountered is that it leaks from the bottom spout ! Aparentily it' is easylly fixed by just making sure that The rod that closes it off is keep clean & keeping a little weight on it to keep it down !
As for Roo meat !!!!!!!! I shot the bastards for years for Pet food & then latter for human consumption ! I never did get a taste for it ! AS a kid we ate that & Rabbit as My Dad was a Pro Shooter before me ! I always laugh when I go into a resturant & look at the fuss people make over it as if it's some great delicasy!


01-04-2006, 01:30 AM
Robertbank please keep that damn freezing rain in BC. the last I checked we didn't have an order in for that stuff to be sent over them thar big hills to Alberta till Nov 2011.
I just hate that shtuff.
Thanks Ken

01-04-2006, 03:10 AM
Dave, just kidding about them crocs and snakes and things. We've got more problems in our woods around this house I live in on our one acre...bloody deer flies, ticks that break off their heads in your body parts and you have to get the ole lady to look you over naked to see if you have any of the little vermin on your back-side.

A chore she sorrly dislikes doing these days...though I keep telling her she better let me check her over...heh heh!

The skeeters around here weren't too bad last year, hope the buggers all die off what flippen good are they in natures scheme of things.

I think I once ate a roo burger at some Mc Donalds, tasted about as good as soy bean burger...yeck!

Black Angus, now that is a real burger making food.

Dang it, now I'm hungry.


01-04-2006, 03:21 AM
Man be careful what you wish for. We don't get real cold, not like in the Territories -60F but cold enough and when it snows....at least with rain you don't have to shovel it! Suspect my friend in Alaska is getting his share of real cold.

Stay Safe


Bullshop Junior
01-04-2006, 04:46 AM
Man be careful what you wish for. We don't get real cold, not like in the Territories -60F but cold enough and when it snows....at least with rain you don't have to shovel it! Suspect my friend in Alaska is getting his share of real cold.

Stay Safe

It has been mild this year. It has been in the -30° but not to -60° As it is sometimes!!
Delbert/BS JR.

01-04-2006, 07:13 AM
Jim you don't have to tell me bout Ticks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The worst possible insult you can give a Pro Roo shooter is to call him a "Roo Tick" I think they must be related to Cattle ticks as they both cause parilise ! The worse I ever suffered from was Bloody Fleas ! Back when I was shooting Foxes for a living! They were attracked to me like steel fillings to a magnet ! My Ex would'nt let me into the house Until I'd stripped off out side & washed my self down with some muck she got from the Chemist (Drug store) I used to be scratching like a mad Dog !
I know where your comming from with Beef !!!! The worst way to cook Roo meat is to Boil it ! I came in from work one morning & I was at that time shareing a Chiller with another shooter ! I had been flat out all night! Bogged ,Puntures & making a living ! He as sitting there eating a Giant Sandwich ! I had'nt eaten all night & was starved ,so I just grabbed his sandwich & stuffed as much of it into my mouth as I could before he could get it back from me ! MATE!!!!!!!!!! I spat it out faster than I got it in ! Screamed at him what the @#%&^$ is that ? he smiled & quietly replied (between mouthfulls .....The Pig) .....Boiled Roo meat mate! Erm as you my have noticed .It's a aquired taste:mrgreen: :mrgreen:


01-04-2006, 02:36 PM
The blasted ticks over here in our woods will jump on anything that passes their perch. They like to be on bushes and as the animal or yourself goes through the piney woods and brush they just hop aboard your body and find their way to your back side and dig into your keester as far as they can.

Long finger nails or tweezers is the only way to extracate the little vermin heads broken off in your flesh.

Now the bloody deer flies are really huge in size, they like to bite your flesh like flying phyranas, and will chase you down the road on a bike or jogging right up to the door of your house.

Consequently I don't wander around in our woods or walk down our road when they are about.


01-04-2006, 03:13 PM
My god man boiled - any kind of meat is....well awful at best. How is Roo meat off the bar BQ?

You boys can talk about your ticks and I know deer flies are bad but Black flies, now if you want to be in need of a blood transfusion.....golf in shorts up here in July.

Stay Safe

01-04-2006, 03:59 PM
I certainly agree on the boiled meat, whoever thought that one up never learned to fry or put it on the barby.

Or put it in the micro wave until it gets solid to the core.

Jim :)

Deputy Al
01-07-2006, 04:58 PM
Not real cold here, never lower than low teens F. My first duty station (Indio) was quite warm, and the east and south ends of the Coachella Valley was extremely humid due to agriculture, irrigation, and the Salton Sea. I decided to change stations one fine summer day after driving past a time/temp sign in downtown Indio that showed 4:35........128*. Humidity was at least 50%. There's nothing like wool uniform pants and body armor on a day like that--then directing traffic at a collison scene for an hour plus. NO MAS!

01-08-2006, 02:16 AM
The gentleman (I use the term very loosely) Was nick named Dirty Bob ! It has been speculated for years why he would eat boiled Roo meat ! The only possible answer that anyone can come up with is that it is a normal practice to boil Roo meat for dogs ! Now Dirty Bob was probarly the laziest man ever born ! So he probarly just shared the meat he prepared for his dogs! (It was never adviseable to stand down wind from him :coffee: ) The secret of cooking Roo meat is not to over cook it ! I used to serve it at Barbees as Steak or venison depending on my mood on the day ! But know it's classed as a goumie food there is'nt that problem !(Mind you I still serve Goat as Lamb or mutton depending on it's age ) Camel has always gone on the plate at our place as Steak or Lamb depending on my mood & the age of the beast! There is a Pub up north of us at Parachillna that offers what they call the Feral menu . Roo,emu ,Croc ,Camel ,Goat ,Buff & they charge the earth for it ! Hell since I was a kid I've been eating Top self & we complained to mum & dad :mrgreen:


01-08-2006, 03:08 AM
Now I am going to go out on the limb here and guess that Croc tastes a bit like lobster, clean white meat. Now Dave don't you be laughing at this Canuck. Crocs haven't been in this part of the world since Christ made water so I will plead ignorance but clue me in.

Stay Safe


01-08-2006, 03:23 AM
Croc to me tastes a bit like Chicken ! Yet to others it tastes like fish ! It's very oily meat & if you eat enough of it (Like the Old Pro Croc shooter's did ) they tell me it comes through the pores of your skin & you smell like one !They are protected these days in the wild ! But........In my days as a Water Buff shooter we would have to shoot one every known again ......In self defense of course [smilie=1: Then of course the meat was taken & made a pleasant change from Buffalo steaks! They do farm them these days for their skins & meat (crocs)


01-09-2006, 12:30 AM
Dave, you must have a cast iron gut...and colon. I just couldn't eat that stuff knowing what it is.

I'll bet one of our Black Angus steaks would taste like boiled roo meat to you...:mrgreen:

You folks must put some kind of special sauce you put on your meat to soften up the taste.

I'm such a wimp, I cannot even eat wild dear meat unless its pepperfied jerky.

Once ate dinner with some friends up in Montana, they slipped in some fried bear meat, one mouthful and I was chewing and chewing and chewing...and when no one was looking crooked it out of my mouth under the mash potatoes along with the rest of the piece on my plate. It looked like a minature valcano heap up. But it wasn't going down below to do some real damage.

Jim :)

01-09-2006, 04:25 AM
JIm these days I love nothing better than a Fried/grilled steak Angus, Heiford/Bramha
Cross ! Salt bush fed Lamd Mutton is right up there as well ! As Kids My Dad was a Pro shooter & it was almost a crime for him to kill anything on the farm ! (Even our chikens died of Old age) My mother would use Emu eggs to cook cakes .She cooked Rabbits in every way possible (including cumbing it & trying to pass it off as Deep fried Chicken ! Hell we knew there were no chickens missing) Dad would get a young Emu & try & convince us it was a Turkey ! Wombat was passed off as Pork !ect ! These days I refuse to eat"Game " But in my younger days out bush it was the only fresh meat avalible ! I always enjoied the look on somebodies face when you told em what they had been eating ! :twisted:


01-09-2006, 03:14 PM
One thing I do know for a fact, if one is really starving to death...and I mean going to die from hunger...they'll damn well eat whatever it is just to stay alive.

It wouldn't matter if its a roo or a wombat, or a rats a$$. Case in point, some of our G.I.s in WW-2 had to eat the damn rats to keep going because their damn rotten stinking captuers were beating and starving them to death.

But after the war all is forgiven and we make them prosperous and well fed...are we nuts or what? :confused:


01-09-2006, 04:05 PM
But after the war all is forgiven and we make them prosperous and well fed...are we nuts or what?

Nope just human. The war is over.

Have you been watching TV lately? Man has a propensity for cruelty against his fellow man and NO society is immune.

As an aside there were not many prisnors taken after the Canadian troops found members of the Nova Scotia Regiment murdered by the Nazi Youth shortly after D -Day. Orders had to go out to start taking prisnors, again....

Stay Safe

01-09-2006, 11:47 PM
Yes, Bob. I didn't just fall off an apple tree. I've got seven decades behind me and seen plenty of world cruelty by many back assward cultures that show no mercy.

Sure WW-2 is over, but there many good Janes and Joes that gave their lives so we could live ours...not subjected to those barbarous cultures that know only cruelty on a world class scale.

Now its about religious culture and we are out to win them over in Iraq and Iran, they hate our guts but love our money and war technology. We just can't wait to convert them to democracy and make them prosperous.

Why don't we try taking better care of our own instead of expending our military might and service mens lives and tax money down a piss-shit rat hole 3rd world nation.

I just don't see where its worth it after 7 decades and I'm not in a forgiving mood.


01-09-2006, 11:59 PM
I can't agree more with you on Iraq. Why Bush & Co did that little number is beyond me. Lota of bad guys in this old world and old Saddam was just another one of them. Well Bush is up to his eye balls now with no end in sight.

As a matter of interest I was referring to prison pictures out of Iraq. Cruelty to our fellow man no matter the circumstances is not unique to any one culture of society and Canada and the U.S. have done their share. Given a certain set of circumstances and we all seem to manage to react about the same way from what I can see.

War as you know is not a game and a lot of things go on that are not nice. We as a human race at some time are going to have to learn to get along or there may not be any of us around to enjoy this little planet.

Let it go Jim it ain't worth worrying about it. Nothing reall y changes, just the names of the current bad guys. Huxley had it right when he wrote 1984. After seven decades you surely have figured that out by now.

Stay Safe

01-10-2006, 04:55 AM
No it isn't worth worrying about, but I can't forget or forgive a culture so rotton and evil it once thrived on barbarism and cruelty...and that goes for all the crap head nations we've defefeted with our blood.

I care nothing about politics and the scondrels that are such officials, I don't like or support presidents or prime ministers that can't think or follow through in their stupid decisions.

That's just the way it is with me. I probably won't be around long enough to see the outcome -- but that is also fine with me.

This is really a stupid world of bad cultures, with people being manipulated from the craddle to the grave.

Sorry for the rant, just letting off steam.


01-10-2006, 05:00 AM
Sorry for the rant, just letting off steam

Better that than kicking your dog. LOL

Yes its gets frustrating and about the time you figure it out nobody wants to listen anyway.

One thing I have learned is that people are people no matter where they live on this planet. Problems arise when our leaders convince us it is otherwise. Most of us just want to provide for our families best we can and get home at night. Suspect it is as true in China as it is in St. Paul.

Regards and keep your soxs on winter isn't over yet.


01-10-2006, 08:53 AM
Do'nt worry about letting of steam Jim ! WE all stand & scatch our heads & wonder about .These things ! You like me were guests of a country that did'nt want us or need us to do their dirty work for them ! My Son is in the SASR1 & is in the same situation now ! I think it's one of the reasons I've worked out bush for so many years ! I just can't work out Humanity ! So I just take care of my family & shoot horrible scores & tell lies about big quotas :coffee: (hey us Old blokes have to keep up with those young eyes some how :mrgreen: )


01-31-2011, 04:48 PM
how much snow do you want and you can take the 20 deg f for free.