View Full Version : Damn The Gun Dealer Man!

12-15-2005, 01:03 PM
When my stepson claimed my last .310 Martini Cadet as his own ! I swore that was the end of my rainey day converstion rifles !You know thetype they live in the dark resses of your safe until one day you think I really need a new rifle & that action will do nicely !:idea: No the end No more For Me!!!!Until tonight ............My Gun dealer (who has sworn to keep me poor) rang & said those imortal words .......Have I got a deal for you :!: Ok I'm weak but I have entertained over the years of converting a Cadet into a 357max! One more won't hurt will it;-)


12-15-2005, 03:53 PM
That sounds like a neat conv Dave

12-15-2005, 06:53 PM
When my stepson claimed my last .310 Martini Cadet as his own ! I swore that was the end of my rainey day converstion rifles !You know thetype they live in the dark resses of your safe until one day you think I really need a new rifle & that action will do nicely !:idea: No the end No more For Me!!!!Until tonight ............My Gun dealer (who has sworn to keep me poor) rang & said those imortal words .......Have I got a deal for you :!: Ok I'm weak but I have entertained over the years of converting a Cadet into a 357max! One more won't hurt will it;-)


Hello D-O-K,
I've said, that once I get my 45 Colt and a Sharps 45-70,that will be it.
Sorta like the Sirens in mythology, can't resist another one !
Me wandering eyes at the gunshop ! Which one was I looking for ?
Was it that Kimber 45 auto ? Must be dreaming again.
Just see what happens.

12-15-2005, 11:34 PM
I been wanting a liberator and two springfields a ML and a trapdoor

12-16-2005, 10:20 AM
The "Minister of Finance" (My wife)found out about the new Cadet I'm thinking of Buying today:shock: I'm trying that it's all Des's fault (my Gun Guy) & that if she let's me have it the voices in my head might go away!!!![smilie=1:
