View Full Version : Reloading Discussion

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  1. lets kick this puppy off!!!
  2. 8X57 185gr loads
  3. Aa2200
  4. 8mmx06 loads
  5. 303 cast bullets without checks
  6. Any body out there
  7. Loads for the K31
  8. sabots with lee 230g Rn pistol bullet
  9. My No1 MIII 303 load
  10. 7mm Mauser 130G Speer Splitizer BT
  11. 7.7-58 Lee cast 185g RN
  12. Your favorate 38wc load.
  13. 357 Herrett rifle loads
  14. 6.5 jap
  15. my favorite 223 Remington load!
  16. 30/30 Winchester
  17. 356 Tsw
  18. Prvi partizan
  19. Titanium or scandium framed revolvers
  20. 454 Casull
  21. Favourite .45 ACP Loads
  22. Favourite 9MM Loads
  23. Favourite boolit/loads for 30-06
  24. 6mmx223
  25. 762-54R the load with cast bullets
  26. Swiss K 31 ???
  27. Favourite Loads for 30-30
  28. 243 win loads
  29. 10 ga. shoutgun anyone?
  30. OAL for Sierra 270 bullet
  31. M1A Loads for Long Yardage
  32. Powders for the 308 Norma Mag
  33. Winchester 38x72
  34. Titegroup for the 9MM
  35. Need some .45 Colt loading tables for 265 grain lead bullets
  36. WC 820 Fast powder
  37. .375 H&H loads
  38. .32 H&R Heavy bullets
  39. To chamfer or not to chamfer...
  40. Question regarding Small Pistol Primers
  41. Surplus powder in 7mm Rem Mag?
  42. Need a .45LC load for 300 Gr Boolits
  43. Fillers in a .375 H&H cast???d-o-k may need your help!
  44. A-MERC Brass troubles.
  45. IMR Trailboss thru Lee Autodisk measure?
  46. Tite group loads
  47. Win 231 in 9MM
  48. Load needed for .30-30 Contender
  49. Any loads for 35 rem that ARE NOT for wimpy girly boys?
  50. .308 Win or 30-06 Spr with Trail Boss Powder
  51. Favorite powder in .22-250??
  52. .432"-275 gr GC & Lil'Gun???????
  53. New guy with a 7mm WSM
  54. Winchester Action Pistol Powder
  55. Favourite loads for 30-06 (Cast and Commercial Bullets)
  56. Dear Dillon
  57. Dillon Service?Warm and Fuzzy?
  58. Chronograph purpose
  59. Need data for the new Nosler 6mm 90gr. BT
  60. Silly rookie ?, re: case lube
  61. 75 gr BT A-Max #22792 loads and seating
  62. .410 to .444 "light"?
  63. corelokt
  64. corelokt
  65. what book or manuals do you recomend
  66. 243 lite loads
  67. 25-06 Rem 115 mvld berger bullets
  68. Maintenance
  69. 45-70 Reduced Loads
  70. 9-124-RN Load?
  71. What is your favourite .308 Winchester Load?
  72. A couple of odd bullets
  73. Rpm
  74. 223 load for small deer
  75. 223 load for small deer
  76. neck sizing vs full length
  77. .380 recipe
  78. .40 S&W Load
  79. Reloaders Reference Software
  80. Need load for cast .223 for NEF VARMIT
  81. 5.45 X 39 Russian
  82. 9mm "target" loads....
  83. ,356TSW loads...
  84. 45.70 4831 Loads
  85. What is a 30/223 Ingram?
  86. g.i. 308 brass
  87. Barnes Varmint Grenades
  88. 45ACP Loads with S1000 or Ramshot
  89. Comments on Trail Boss & Unique 357
  90. 38-55 loaded to 375 Win Performance?
  91. Load data for 45-70 using Lyman 457677 and 457132
  92. 45acp
  93. 257 Weatherby
  94. need info 35 rem with pistol boolist
  95. .45 colt loads using Lee dippers
  96. 40-65 WCF loads?
  97. Twist rates vs bullet length (weight?)?
  98. 45-70 Load recommendations
  99. 105 Gr .38/.357 cast boolits
  100. data for .223wssm
  101. S1000 data for 9mm Luger
  102. Reloading Brass
  103. Nosler Ballistic Tips
  104. help setting up Hornady lnl AP
  105. International Clays for 9mm and 45ACP?
  106. Mosin Nagant 7,62x54
  107. 458 win mag help
  108. Kapok!
  109. too heavy?
  110. 2400 powder
  111. What's the difference between ...
  112. Light for caliber 7.62x25 ?????
  113. start in this great forum .308
  114. 7mm-08 120gr V-max load data
  115. true line junior
  116. 30-06 to 270 cal
  117. "Fire Forming" Brass???
  118. 416 rem mag reload help
  119. G30 .45 ACP 200gr SWC Loads
  120. .454 Casull from a Ruger SRH
  121. Help - cast bullet loads for .30 Merrill
  122. 240 Weatherby wildcat
  123. 1885 High Wall (Replica)
  124. What type of powder to use?
  125. Cast Lube
  126. Weight lifting bullets
  127. brass forming question
  128. .500 S&W loads for TC pro hunter rifle
  129. 150 grain 38 spl Lee ICORE LOAD
  130. .40-70 SS loads with AA 5744
  131. red dot loads for .38 spl-.357 magnum
  132. Gas checks...Yes or No?
  133. Reloading 25 20 wcf
  134. 9 mm Golden Saber crimp question
  135. cz ammo
  136. finger nail polish?may sound dumb, but
  137. How deep to seat bullet for 38 spl and 357
  138. headspace on the mouth of the case???
  139. Newbie here...
  140. pistol bullets in 35 Whelen
  141. CAS Load Info/.38sp
  142. Unique vs. Bullseye for 10mm
  143. Bullseye powder in 500 S&W
  144. .30-30 Win loads for 200g lead bullets?
  145. .308 sierra 110gr hp
  146. 1st reload success!!!
  147. 8mm-06 loads
  148. .44 mag Cast bullets and Hogedon LILGUN
  149. .38 cal.?
  150. 8x68s
  151. 300 mag
  152. True Blue or WST
  153. hornady flex tip bullets for 35 whelen
  154. RG4895 Surplus Powder
  155. Digital Scale
  156. check wieghts?
  157. favorite red dot .357 magnum-.38 spl loads?
  158. Max Load for 454 Casull
  159. russian salut
  160. 270 win (help)
  161. Alliant load data?
  162. 45 colt
  163. 45-70 BP Loads
  164. 300 gr load data sought.
  165. 243 reload problem
  166. 45 from 30-06?
  167. Need a good LITE load for 45 LC w 200gr RNFP
  168. .35 Remington using handgun bullets
  169. 6.5 Roberts
  170. Opinions
  171. stevieh1954
  172. 25-06
  173. light 44 mag load
  174. norbel rifle powder 50-h ou h 4350
  175. 44 mag load
  176. Need advice on max 7 x 57 Mauser, 140 gr loads
  177. 250-255 .45ACP loads
  178. .30-.30 work up
  179. Load Request - .357 Magnum 170gr LSWC "Keith"
  180. Looking for a 8x57 Mauser cast load
  181. 44 Special Loads : New Rugers
  182. where do I get?
  183. .45LC 300Gr Cast Loads
  184. 9mm Luger Load Data
  185. A couple of KWESCHUNS..
  186. 454 loads
  187. leading and keyholing 9mm TL boolits--cause?
  188. New Woodleigh Bullet for .270 Win
  189. 450 Mongo for Super Comanche
  190. 6.5mm x 250-3000 load data
  191. 22-243
  192. 223 wssm
  193. 40 S&W Load Data suggestions for 140gn lead....
  194. 32 SW Long with 60 gr XTP bullets
  195. .38spl help PLEASE!
  196. .41mag. loading data?
  197. 454 pet loads
  198. RamShot True Blue powder and 380 auto
  199. Loading the 22 Hornet
  200. .204 Ruger Loads
  201. 38 special case length
  202. Loading the 22 Hornet With Jacketed Bullets
  203. IMR PB Data
  204. Ramshot true blue 10mm 175 grain lead
  205. Hi guys looking for 460v Data
  206. 9MM 125RNL with Red Dot?
  207. .40 s&w lead powder question
  208. 44-40 and Universal Clays
  209. Anyone have a Barnes Reloading Book?
  210. 150 LSWC load for 357 Mag.
  211. Help
  212. .308 In a .303 Brit?
  213. A few ???'s
  214. powder question
  215. .257 Roberts Coyote Loads
  216. 44 mag light lead info?
  217. .338 rcm
  218. What Powder Loads for the 6.5mm Swedish Cruise Missile ?
  219. Die Question
  220. 1884 Trapdoor Die Question
  221. Reloading record keeping
  222. OAL for sierra
  223. Loading for cast/lead data
  224. Loading 30/30 or 32 Win special
  225. 462 425 load data
  226. 223 Brass Neck Cracks
  227. re Hawk Bullets
  228. ricard
  229. Scratching cases
  230. 125gr swc load for 357 mag
  231. I'm brand new to this forum. Here's my first question.
  232. MP 359-640 load
  233. Loads for the .45-60?
  234. Red Dot for 44 Mag
  235. Confused
  236. Tumbled Brass With Live Primers OK?
  237. Are these two powders the same thing?
  238. Loads for 7.62x54 for mosin nagant
  239. Polyfill on cast loads?
  240. cartridge oal question
  241. A Nagant question
  242. 338-06 loads
  243. 45acp oal
  244. dupont pistol powder #6 load data
  245. Crimp on 45Colt
  246. What can I do w/Green Dot powder???
  247. Let's talk about SR4759
  248. .40 S&W 175 grain lead with 231
  249. Load Check
  250. first rounds finished